Safety Week Exhibition 2025
Venue |
: Impact Muang Thong Thani, Bangkok |
Booth No | : C20 |
The Ministry of Labour, through the Institute for Occupational Safety, Health and Working Environment (Public Organization), has scheduled the 37th National Safety and Occupational Health Fair (THAILAND SAFE@WORK #37) from 9-11 June 2025 at the IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Center, Muang Thong Thani, Halls 11-12. The objective is to make employers, employees and relevant persons from both the public and private sectors aware of the importance of safety, occupational health and the working environment.
The event organized academic seminars, exhibitions and demonstrations on occupational safety, as well as contests and entertainment activities on occupational safety to provide groups of people and related organizations with an opportunity to develop and exchange knowledge, academic experiences, ideas and problem-solving methods for the creation of a preventive Thai culture leading to sustainable safety, occupational health and well-being.
The Safety Promotion Institute would like to invite executives, employers, employees, business owners, engineers, doctors/nurses at business establishments, occupational safety officers at all levels, government agencies, educational institutions and interested persons to attend the free exhibition and apply to attend the academic seminar.
Visit here for more information: