Conductive / Static Dissipative PVC Shoes

Product Code: DY6002

Static control footwear provides the most effective and reliable way to remove static charges from personnel.  When used in conjunction with proper flooring, it gives superior control of ESD compared to other grounding methods like wrist straps, which may be less durable and cumbersome to the user.

  • Sizes : 220 - 300mm
  • RTG < 35MΩ
  • To Minimize Static Charge Generation
  • To Drain Human Static Charge Away Through Conductive / Static Dissipative Flooring
  • Machine Washable


Resistance of Shoes
Resistance to Ground
< 1.0 x 107 Ω
(COND, Conductive)
 < 1.0 x 107 Ω
(COND, Conductive)
< 1.0 x 109 Ω
(SD, Static Dissipative)
 < 3.5 x 107 Ω
(SD, Static Dissipative)