Safety Week 2024

: IMPACT Exhibition & Convention Center
Booth No : C4
Opening Hours : Wed - Fri [09:00-16:00]

Ministry of Labor By the Institute for the Promotion of Safety, Occupational Health and the Working Environment (Public Organization) scheduled to hold the 36th National Occupational Safety and Health Event (THAILAND SAFE@WORK #36) between 19-21 June 2024 at IMPACT Exhibition and Convention Center, Muang Thong Thani Hall. 11-12 aims to make employers, employees, and those involved in both the public and private sectors aware of the importance of safety, occupational health, and the working environment under the concept of  jointly creating a preventative Thai culture. Towards safety, occupational health, and sustainable well-being (Forward Culture of Prevention for Safety Thailand)

The event organized an academic seminar. Exhibitions and demonstrations on occupational safety Including activities, contests and entertainment regarding work safety. for groups of people and related organizations Had the opportunity to develop and exchange knowledge. Academic experience Concepts and methods for solving problems For the creation of protective Thai culture Toward safety, occupational health, and sustainable well-being.

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